Apr 18, 2023
This list may not be current; always check the available merge fields for your document within GrowthZone to verify all active available merge fields for that document type.
Merge Field Name | Description |
UFCertificationContactPrefix | Prefix of the contact receiving a certificate, a component certificate, or being displayed on a roster. |
UFCertificationContactFirstName | First Name of the contact receiving a certificate, a component certificate, or being displayed on a roster. |
UFCertificationContactMiddleName | Middle Name of the contact receiving a certificate, a component certificate, or being displayed on a roster. |
UFCertificationContactLastName | Last Name of the contact receiving a certificate, a component certificate, or being displayed on a roster. |
UFCertificationContactSuffix | Suffix of the contact receiving a certificate, a component certificate, or being displayed on a roster. |
UFCertificationContactCommonName | Common Name of the contact receiving a certificate, a component certificate, or being displayed on a roster. |
UFCertificationContactName | Concatenates the First Name, Last Name and Suffix of the contact receiving a certificate, a component certificate or displayed on a roster. |
UFCertificationContactDisplayName | |
UFCertificationContactAccountNumber | The Account Number of the contact receiving a certificate, a component certificate or being displayed on a roster. |
UFCertificationApprovedByContactPrefix | The Prefix of the contact who has approved a certification or component certification. |
UFCertificationApprovedByContactFirstName | The First Name of the contact who has approved a certification or component certification. |
UFCertificationApprovedByContactMiddleName | The Middle Name of the contact who has approved a certification or component certification. |
UFCertificationApprovedByContactLastName | The Last Name of the contact who has approved a certification or component certification. |
UFCertificationApprovedByContactSuffix | The Suffix of the contact who has approved a certification or component certification. |
UFCertificationApprovedByContactCommonName | The Common Name of the contact who has approved a certification or component certification. |
UFCertificationApprovedByContactName | Concatenates the First Name, Last Name and Suffix of the contact who has approved a certification or component certification. |
UFCertificationComponentCode | The Certification Component Code |
UFCertificationComponentName | The Certification Component Name. |
UFCertificationComponentInstructorDisplayName | The Instructor of a Certification Component. |
UFCertificationComponentEventLocation | The location of a Certification Event. |
UFCertificationComponentEventSessionLocation | The location of a session associated to a certification component |
UFCertificationContactLicenseNumbers | The license number(s) noted on the contact's Profile tab, in the "Professional" section. |
UFCertificationComponentCompletedDate | The date a certification component was completed. |
UFCertificationComponentHoursEarned | The number of hours earned by completing the certification component. |
UFCertificationComponentCreditsEarned | The number of credits earned by completing the certification component. |
UFCertificationExpirationDate | The expiration date of the certification. |
UFCertificationComponentEventName | The name of the event to which the certification component was associated. |
UFCertificationComponentEventStartDate | The start date of the event to which the certification component was associated. |
UFCertificationComponentEventStartTime | The start time of the event to which the certification component was associated. |
UFCertificationComponentEventEndDate | The end date of the event to which the certification component was associated. |
UFCertificationComponentEventEndTime | The end time of the event to which the certification component was associated. |
UFCertificationComponentExamScore | The Exam Score of a component (NOTE: Component must be of Exam type and Scoring Type must be Scored) |
UFCertificationComponentExamPassed | The result of a component Exam (NOTE: Component must be of Exam type and Scoring Type must be Pass fail) |
“Attendee Email” | The email of the certificate recipient, if the certification was associated to an event. |
“Primary Business” | The primary business of the certificate recipient. |