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Data Sent to M1 for Primary Agents
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The table below describes the data that is sent to NRDS for a Primary Agent.


Field Name   Description Data format Required
Initial Setup
POE Association (Read only) The  Association’s Point of Entry ID. This is configured on initial setup of the GrowthZone database and will be read only on the Real Estate tab. This ID will automatically populate on the Real Estate tab as read only. 9 Numeric X
Association ID The 4-digit local association for this member’s primary affiliation. This is configured upon initial setp of the GrowthZone database, and will be displayed - read only - on the Real Estate tab. 4 Numeric X
Profile Tab
First Name Required. Member’s first name. 12 Alpha X
Middle Member’s middle name. 12 Alpha  
Last Name Required. Member’s last name, up to 30 characters. 30 Alpha X
Suffix (Generation) Family generation and other suffixed - e.g. Jr.  Sr.  III  Esq. Note: do not enter designations here. There is a separate field for those. 3 Alpha  
Common Name Member’s nickname 12 Alpha  
Prefix Formal title which precedes member’s name  Mr. Ms. Mrs. etc, 4 Alpha  
Gender Male/Female 1 Alpha  
Address 1 Street name and address number of member’s  address.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 30 Alpha X
Address 2 (see above) This is a second line of address to be used for additional address information (building number, etc.).  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 30 Alpha  
City (see above) Name of city for the address.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 21 Alpha X
State (see above) State abbreviation.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 2 Alpha X
Postal Code (see above) The 5-digit US Postal zip code.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 5 Alpha X
Postal Code +4 (see above) Standard 4-digit ZIP extension plus 2-digit carrier route.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 6 Alpha  
 Address 1 The mailing address where mail should be sent, if different from Home Address, marked as Mailing Address on the Real Estate tab. 30 Alpha  
PR: Address 2 (see above) Additional line for mailing address.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 30 Alpha  
 City (see above) City for mailing address.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 21 Alpha  
 State (see above) State abbreviation for mailing address.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 2 Alpha  
Postal code (see above) 5-digit zip code for mailing address.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 5 Alpha  
Postal code +4 (see above) 4-digit Zip extension plus 2-digit carrier route for mailing address.  Type of address is assigned on the Real Estate tab. 6 Alpha  
Real Estate Tab
NRDS ID The unique, 9-digit NRDS ID for this member. Once this field it populated, it is greyed out and read only. 9 Numeric X
Member Type The membership type of this agent Drop-down list X
Active Since The date the member joined NRDS 8 Date X
Local Join Date The date this agent joined the association.    
 Status Member status
See NRDS Documentation for further explanation on how/when these are used.
Drop-down list X
Status Changed Date The date of last status change. Date format  
Primary State The State association where this member has primary membership. Drop-down list X
License Required if Member Type is R or RA. Member’s real estate license number. This must match the format set by the state associations. 11 Alpha X
RE: Primary Field of Business Indicates member’s primary field of business. Drop-down list X
Office NRDS ID The unique 9-digit NRDS ID for this member's Office. This ID must be valid in the NRDS database. 9 Numeric X
Business Email Address

The member’s business email. Must be unique within the M1 system.

Numeric Maximum l00 X for R or RA
Team eMail Address If the member belongs to a Team, the member’s email address for that team. Numeric Maximum 100  
Real Estate Tab - Communications
Stop Mail Indicates whether or not to exclude active members from mailings, including the Realtor Magazine.  NOTE: Only the member themselves can update this field. Changes made in GrowthZone will NOT update the preference in NRDS. Check to indicate Yes  
Stop Fax Indicates if fax number is usable for fax mailings.  NOTE: Only the member themselves can update this field. Changes made in GrowthZone will NOT update the preference in NRDS. Check to indicate Yes  
Stop Marketing Material Indicates whether the member wishes to receive marketing materials. If checked, the member is removed from NAR's Direct Mail mailing list.  NOTE: Only the member themselves can update this field. Changes made in GrowthZone will NOT update the preference in NRDS. Check to indicate Yes  
Stop Email Indicates whether the member wishes to receive emails. NOTE: Only the member themselves can update this field. Changes made in GrowthZone will NOT update the preference in NRDS. Changes made in GrowthZone will NOT update the preference in NRDS. Check to indicate Yes  
Preferred Mail Indicates where the member would prefer to receive mail. Drop-down list X
Preferred Publication Where the member  prefers to receive their publication(s) Drop-down list X
Preferred Phone Member’s preferred phone: Drop-down list X
Preferred Fax Where the member prefers to receive faxes Drop-down list  
Home Address The address to be used as the member's home address. Choices available in the list are configured on the Profile tab. Drop-down list  X
Mailing Address The address to be used as the member's mailing address if different than the home address. Choices available are configured on the Profile tab. Drop-down list  X
Cell 3-digit area code + 7-digit number of the member’s cell phone number. Choices available in the list are configured on the Profile tab. 3 Numeric  
Home Phone 3-digit area code + 7 digit phone number for Member’s home phone number. There is no need to type in the dash ( -) when entering numbers. Choices available in the list are configured on the Profile tab. 10 Numeric  
Cell 3-digit area code + 7-digit number of the member’s cell phone number. Choices available in the list are configured on the Profile tab. 10 Numeric  
Fax Number  3-digit area code + 7 digit number for member’s personal fax number. Choices available in the list are configured on the Profile tab.  10 Numeric  
 Website Internet address for member’s web page, if any. 80 Alpha  
 Email Required if Member Type is R or RA. Email address for member. Choices available in the list are configured on the Profile tab. 80 Alpha X
Additional Information 
Waive Local Dues Indicates if local dues should be waived for the member (Y/N). Check to indicate Y  
Waive State Dues Indicates if state dues should be waived for the member (Y/N). Check to indicate Y  
Waive NAR Dues Indicates if National dues should be waived for the member (Y/N). Check to indicate Y  
NAR Dues Paid Date field in MMDDYYYY format for association to indicate NAR dues were paid. 8 Date  
State Dues Paid Date field in MMDDYYYY format for association to indicate State dues were paid. These two fields (NAR and State) are mainly used by associations for look-ups when processing transfers. 8 Date  
 Secondary Fields of Business Numeric code that indicates member’s secondary field of business. 3 Numeric  
 Secondary Fields of Business Numeric code that indicates member’s secondary field of business. 3 Numeric  
  Member Subclass Used by States and Boards to exchange additional billing types for members. Drop-down list  
Member Birthdate Member’s date of birth. 8 Date  
  Orientation Date The date the member completed the association’s orientation. 8 Date  
On Roster Indicates if member wishes to appear on roster (Y/N). 1 Alpha  
Previous Non Member Indicates if the member changed their status with the association from a non-member to a member. Valid choices are Y or N Check to indicate Y  
 Arbitration Ethics Pending Flag indicating if arbitration or ethics investigation or proceedings are pending against this member. Check to indicate Y  
 Reinstatement Code Code used to indicate if member has been reinstated. Check to indicate Y  
Reinstatement Date Date member was reinstated. 8 Date  
On Roster Indicates if member wishes to appear on roster (Y/N).  Check to indicate Y  
Previous Non Member Indicates if the member changed their status with the association from a non-member to a member. Valid choices are Y or N 1 Alpha  
 Occupation Name Member’s occupation. This is used for reporting RPAC contributions on various state and federal election reports. 20 Alpha  
Member Salutation Member’s name as it appears after Dear in the greeting of a mail merge letter. Nick Name. 24 Alpha  
MLS ID Member’s MLS ID number. 9 Alpha  
MLS Online Status Status of member’s online MLS access. 1 Alpha  
MLS Status Changed Date (read only) Date of last online MLS status change. 8 Date  
MLS Association ID The 4-digit association ID of the member’s primary regional MLS. 4 Numeric  


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