Oct 08, 2024
Initially, GrowthZone will enable Enable Sync - One-Way to Financial. Then, in order for your software to identify financial records that need to be sent to NRDS, Fee Items must be "mapped" to Financial Record settings.
- Click Setup in the left-hand navigation panel.
- Click Real Estate Financial Settings in the Finance section.
- In the NRDS Financial Mapping section, click the
- From the Fee Items list, select the Fee item that should be mapped over to the appropriate NRDS Payment types.
- Enter the Payment Type. The following codes are required for the dues types displayed. For any other dues type collected you can define your own codes, but the dues paid below have these suggested types:
- NATL National Dues
- IMAG Image Awareness Assessment
- STAT State Dues
- LEGL Legal Fund
- RPAC RPAC contribution
- LOCL Local Dues
- Repeat the steps above to map additional fee items.
Adding fee items to the NRDS Financial Mappings. - Click the Save button at the top of the page to save your changes.