Mar 20, 2023
The table below describes the data that is sent to MRED for an office. Ensure that all fields are formatted appropriately, and required fields are populated. When data is synced all fields are sent not just the fields that have been changed.
Field Name | Description | Format | Required |
Profile Tab | |||
Name | Office Business Name | 50 Alpha | X |
Address 1 | Street Number (20 max) and street name (100 max) for the first address that is marked as mailing or physical and mailing. Must include a street number | 120 Alpha | X |
Address 2 (see above) | Office Address Line 2 | 100 Alpha | |
City (see above) | Street City | 50 Alpha | X |
State (see above) | Street State | 2 Alpha | X |
Postal Code (see above) | 5 digit Street ZIP | 10 Num | X |
Postal Code (see above) | Street ZIP+6 | 6 Num | |
Phone number | Office Phone Number. NOTE: You cannot have a phone without an area code or it will be rejected from MLS | 16 Alpha | |
Email Address | Office E-Mail Address | 80 Alpha | |
Real Estate Tab | |||
NRDS ID | The office’s 9 digit unique NRDS ID | 9 Numeric | |
MLS ID | MLS Office ID | 20 Alpha | X |
MLS Head Office ID | Head office for this office. If the office does not have a head office, enter the MLS ID for the office | X | |
MLS Status | The office’s MLS status | Drop-down list | X |
Office License Number | This is the license number for the office from the State. | ||
MLS Join Date | The date the office began with the MLS | 8 Date | |
MLS Term Date | Date of termination of agent/office with MLS provider | 8 Date |