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To display your events (whether publicly, member only, or internally) you will need to set up your calendars.



To view or add calendars, click Setup in the Navigation Panel and find the Calendars link in the Event section; OR click Events in the Navigation panel and find the Calendars tab. A list of calendars currently configured in your system will be displayed.


Setup -> Events -> Calendars:


Events -> Calendars tab:


Add a New Calendar

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. On the Add/Edit Calendar screen configure the following:

    • Name: This is the name that will display if you choose to publicize this calendar.
    • Description: This is a description of the calendar (for internal use.)
    • Is Active: Select this check-box to activate the calendar and make it usable at least by staff members. i.e., in order for events to be added to a calendar the calendar must be active, even if it is not published/viewable on your website or Info Hub. For new calendars, this is enabled by default.
    • Is Public Viewable: Select this check-box if you wish this calendar to be publishable on your website and viewed by the public. See Publish GrowthZone Content on your Website for more information.
    • Is Member Viewable:  Select this option if you wish this calendar to be available in the Info Hub.
    • Allow Public Submission: With this enabled, you able to accept public event submissions from your website. Events submitted will have a status of “pending approval” and staff will be allowed to approve before publishing the event.
    • Allow Member Submission: With this enabled, you able to accept event submissions from your website, after members login with their credentials. If “allow public submission” is also selected, the login section will display, but will not be required to submit an event. If you want login information to be required, do not have “allow public submission” selected. Events submitted, will have a status of “pending approval” and staff will be allowed to approve before publishing the event.
    • Calendar Feed Select this option to create an iCal feed that you can share with your members. They can add this feed as a subscription to their personal calendars (instructions for adding to Outlook are here) and events will automatically populate as they are added/updated in GrowthZone (this may take an hour or more from the time the event is added in GrowthZone to populate to the .ics feed). Click Done and re-open the calendar to access the URL.
    • (Optional) Restrictions: This is an optional setting that works in tandem with the Is Member Viewable setting and affects visibility in the Info Hub. If a list or committee is selected from the dropdown, only contacts on that list or committee will be able to see the events assigned to this calendar. This setting will ONLY affect visibility of the calendar events in the Info Hub.
  3. Click Done to save your new calendar.

Modify An Existing Calendar

You may modify any of your existing calendars.

  1. Click Setup in the Navigation Panel.
  2. Click Calendars in the Event section. A list of calendars currently configured in your system will be displayed.
  3. Click the name of the calendar you wish to modify.
  4. Make your desired modifications.
  5. Click Done.


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