Sep 29, 2023
When creating questions for your forms, the following Field Types provide additional functionality.
- Drop Down, Drop Down with Fill In and Multi-choice: When using the Drop-down or Drop-down with fill in options, you will enter a list of answers to your questions. If you enabled the Advanced Options, you can then define which page, in the Go To Page list, the respondent will be sent to based on the response selected. NOTE: If your purpose in using a drop down is NOT for navigation purposes, you will simply select Continue as the Go to page option. NOTE: The Go to Options will only navigate to pages, not to sections.
A multi-choice field example. - Yes No: When using this field type, a checkbox will be available to select (i.e "Yes I have read the terms and conditions" or "I agree" or some similar type of question). If you enable the Advanced Options, you can choose the page to which the respondent will automatically be sent to based on their choice. Dependent on the respondent selection, they will be navigated to the page you have entered in the Go To Page fields. NOTE: The Go to Options will only navigate to pages, not to sections.
A Yes/No field. - Table: provides the option to set up a fillable table with columns, and the ability to add a row if additional input is needed. This could be used to add educational information specifying a date, a course name, and a location, for example. The respondent would have the option to add multiple education records.
A table in a form - Scale: Provides a sliding option dependent on the scale and steps specified. For example, a scale set from 1 to 10 with a step of 1 will allow respondents to choose any value (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10) on the scale. A scale from 1 to 5 with a step of 2 would allow a respondent to select 1, 3, or 5. A scale set from 1 to 9 with a step of 2 will allow respondents to select 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. The number of steps must correspond with the beginning and end values of the scale; the system will not allow you to specify an invalid step for your specified range.
A scale in a form, set from 0 to 10, with a step of 1. - Upload File: When this option is selected, a field is made available on the form for the respondent to upload a file. When the file is uploaded, it will be stored within the form, and within your Cloud. Additionally, if you have connected the respondent to a contact in your database, the file will be stored on the contact's Files tab. There is a 20MB limit to the size of a file uploaded. See View Individual Form Responses for information on connecting a respondent to a contact in your database.