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Home > Info Hub > Store Bank Account/ACH Profile in the Info Hub
Store Bank Account/ACH Profile in the Info Hub
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With GrowthZone Pay implementation, your members may easily store their bank account information via the Info Hub.


IMPORTANT: Staff cannot enter the ACH information on behalf of a customer. Due to privacy restrictions, only customers can enter their bank information. When they enter their information through the Info Hub, bank accounts will be verified via their personal online banking platform.
If Staff want to see ACH options example, it is recommended that they create a test contact record and create a test invoice to pay, then login into that record in an incognito window or browser they do not use to log into GZ. See Contact Records for Testing for more information.


  1. Click My Billing Info in the Navigation Panel.
  2. Select the Autopay & Billing tab.
    The Autopay & Billing tab in the My Billing Info section of the Info Hub
  3. Click the   icon in the Payment Profiles section and select US Bank Account.
    Adding a bank account to the stored payment profiles in the Info Hub
  4. Choose from one of the banks listed or search for a different bank.  You will be taken to your online banking portal to log in and choose an account.     


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