The Info Hub Forum provides you the ability to bring value to your members, by allowing them to network with like-mind individuals who may be resources for them. The Info Hub Forum provides a way for your members to ask each other questions, exchange information and ideas, share resources, and more.
The Forum provides the members ability to:
- Participate in discussion categories and threads that the association staff create, as well as the ability able to create their own forums
- Have discussions that can be limited to specific groups with limited access
- Easily access the forum from both their computer or mobile device
- Easily view content and contribute; be able to see new information
- Have the ability to hone in on topics, discussion threads of interest to them and receive updates
- View/contribute both text and rich content like images and videos
- Easily search content and find relevant information
- Have discussions tied to key things in the database like events or lists/committees
NOTE: Access to the Info Hub Forum is permission driven. Your members must be given Create access to participate in the forum. See Create a New Access Level - Users for details on configuring permissions. |
Once the Forum is enabled in the Info Hub, and categories and forums have been added, members can easily view and follow discussions, see popular discussions, and receive notifications of key information so that they can hone in on areas of interest.
A link to the Forum is displayed in the left hand navigation. NOTE: Members with NONE access to the Forum will not see this link.
The Forum page is divided into three distinct sections:
Main Section
When a member first accesses the Forum, the main section will be populated with all topics, ordered by newest first. Within the main section members will be able to:
- See topics listed in order of activity (most active is on top)
- Click on a Topic title to see topic details/comments etc., like topics, and respond to topics.
- Click the eyeball icon on any topic to watch that topic. If a member is watching a topic, the eyeball icon will go from gray to the primary color set for the Info Hub. The member will receive email notifications of updates made to a topic. NOTE: If watching a topic, you will receive notifications, per your contact preferences.
- Add new posts
The following information is displayed for topics:
- The Forum
- The Forum Category
- Who posted and when it was posted
- The image of the person who posted. The image is the image that the member has uploaded to their profile in the Info Hub. A gray circle will be displayed if an image is not found.
- The Last activity, who and when posted
Filtering options in the main section allow for filtering to a specific date range, author, category, etc.
Top Right Section
In the top right section of the Forum, members will find ways to refresh the information shown in the main section:
- Watching: Clicking this option will refresh the main section to display only those topics the member is watching.
- My Posts: Clicking this option will refresh the main section to only display the member's own posts. See just their own posts
- My Drafts: Clicking this option will refresh the main section to only display the member's drafts.
Bottom Right Section
In the bottom right section of the Forum, a list of all categories and associated forums is displayed. For each Forum, the number of topics associated to that forum is also displayed. By clicking on a category or forum, the main section will be updated with just those specific items.