Mar 20, 2023
The workflow steps allow you to to build a campaign workflow by defining specific emails that will be sent under this program, including the sequence of the communication and time frame between each communication.
- On the Marketing Automation screen, select the Workflow to which you wish to add steps and click the Workflow Steps tab.
- To add a new step, click the Add Step button.
- In the Add Workflow Step window, select the Workflow Step Type from the drop-down list. See Definitions of Workflow Step Types. Additional options will require configuration dependent on the type selected.
- Complete additional settings for the selected Workflow Step Type. For example, when Send Email is selected, you will have to select the template type- Standard or Email Designer- which template to use, and if a Communication Category should be applied.
Options when selecting the Send Email step type - Is Active will be enabled by default.
- Click Done.
- Repeat steps 3 - 7 to add additional workflow steps to your workflow for as many steps as needed.