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Using a signature will save time when sending email correspondence. You can design a signature with both text & graphics, and easily select it when sending email correspondence. Signatures can be available to the staff person they are designed for, or be available for any staff to send messages on behalf of another staff person.



Create A Signature


To create a new signature:


  1. Click Setup in the navigation panel
  2. In the Communications section, click Signatures.

  3. Click the Add Button.

  4. Provide a Name for the signature. You can create multiple signatures, so you will wish to provide a name that allows you to differentiate between signatures.
  5. If applicable, select a User. If a specific user (staff person) is selected, the signature will only be available to that user (staff person). If no user is selected, then this signature is available to all users (staff).
  6. In the Signature HTML text box you can customize your signature by adding your organization name, an image, a link, etc. Common word processing icons make it easy to format your signature as you desire.
  7. When completed, click Done.


Edit A Signature


  1. Click Setup in the navigation panel
  2. In the Communications section, click Signatures.
  3. Click the hyper-link for the signature you wish to edit.

  4. Complete desired edits.
  5. Click Done.


Delete a Signature


Click Setup in the navigation panel

  1. In the Communications section, click Signatures.
  2. Click the hyper-link for the signature you wish to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button.
  4. To confirm deletion, click OK.

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