The recurring fee schedules for a contact can be viewed in the Membership Scheduled Billing section of the contact's Billing Setup tab. Two sections are displayed for recurring fees: Membership Scheduled Billing and Scheduled Billing.
Membership Scheduled Billing will be automatically created when a membership is added to a contact. NOTE: If the membership includes multiple fees, these are not displayed individually in the schedule, but you can review them by clicking into the membership hyper-link.
View Scheduled Billing
In the Scheduled Billing section you would find other items that may have been setup on a recurring basis, such as donations.
Update Scheduled Billing
In the Scheduled Billing section on a contact's Billing Setup tab you can update a contact's scheduled billing. Click into the hyperlink for the schedule you wish to change and make the desired changes.

NOTE: The changes that you make will apply to all renewals in the future. These changes will not be retro-active to existing invoices.