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Home > Event Management > Working with Events > Configure Your Registration Form Settings
Configure Your Registration Form Settings
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By default, the registration form for an event will require name and email address (organization will be included on the form, but is not required). You may configure the fields you wish to require on the registration form and add custom fields in the Registration Form Settings section of the event's Attendee Setup tab.



  1. Click the   icon in the Registration Form Settings section.
  2. Configure the following as desired:
    • Display Address: This will display the address field but not require it.
    • Require Address: This will require the address field be completed by the registrant. NOTE: "Display Address" must be enabled as well, else the field will not display and will cause the registration to fail.
    • Display Phone Number: This will display the phone number field but not require it.
    • Require Phone Number: This will require the phone number field be completed by the registrant. NOTE: "Display Phone Number" must be enabled as well, else the field will not display and will cause the registration to fail.
    • Require Additional Attendees Email: This will require that all additional attendees (of a table/team registration type) must have an email address entered.
    • Display Common Name: This will display the Common Name field.
    • Require Company: This will require the attendee to enter their company name if it is not in their contact profile (or a profile does not exist for the contact).
    • Require Title: This will require the attendee to enter their job title.
    • Allow Registration Without Session Selection:  This option will not display if you do not subscribe to the Event Expo module or the Event does not have Sessions. If your event does have sessions, enabling this option will allow contacts to register without making a session selection.
    • Additional Attendees Term: By default the system will name any additional unknown attendees (of a table/team registration type) "Reserved Attendee (#)". If you wish to change the terminology for the event, enter your desired Additional Attendee term.
  3. Click Done.
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