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Home > Event Management > Working with Events > Set Up Discounts for your Event
Set Up Discounts for your Event
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Any event may have special discounts available and applied to all or selected fees. Discounts based on early registration, promo code, or membership type, or volume may be created for each event and applied when the discount criteria is met.



Discounts are setup on the Event Attendee Setup tab.



Click the drop-down arrow on the Actions button to select the type of discount you wish to setup.


There are 4 discount types:

  • Early Registration Discount
  • Promo Code Discount
  • Discount for Membership Type
  • Volume Discount


All of the options for all of the types are the same except for the specific criteria:

  • Name
  • Available Starting On - Enter the date this discount takes effect. This is required for an Early Registration Discount, but optional for all other types.
  • Ends On - Enter the date this discount is no longer valid. This is required for an Early Registration Discount, but optional for all other types.
  • Promo Code: Only available for Promo Code discounts. Required for Promo Code discounts. This field is case-sensitive and MUST be entered into the registration form exactly as it appears here.
  • Membership Type: Only available for Membership Type discounts. Required for Membership Type discounts. Select a membership type or types that the discount will apply to.
  • Minimum Quantity: Only available for Volume discounts. Required for Volume Discounts. Enter the minimum amount of registrations to receive the discount (i.e. groups of 10 or more receive a discount).
  • Discount Type Previously created discount types will be included in the list. Click the grey plus button to add a new discount type. This is important for reporting.
  • Discount Price: Indicate the amount or percentage the price should be reduced to/by or select what to Set the Price To.
  • Percentage - Enter the percentage by which the standard price will be discounted.
  • Amount - Enter the dollar amount that will be subtracted from the standard price.
  • Set Price To - Enter the price that will be used instead of the standard price.

Advanced Options:

  • Applies To (Registration Type) - Selecting a registration type allows you to limit the use of this discount to that specific registration type. For example, if you have setup registration types for members and non-members, you could choose to have a discount only apply to members.


NOTE: You can only select one registration type per discount. If you want a discount to apply to more than one registration type but not all of them, you will need to create a discount type for each one. Selecting no registration type will apply the discount to all of them.


  • Total Available - Allows you to limit the number of registrations that can use this discount. 
  • Limit Per Purchase - This allows you to limit the number registrants that can use this discount type from the same registration form.


The Event Discount Use Report may be used to analyze how discounts have been used for an event. Click Here for instructions on running the report.


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