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Home > Event Management > Working with Events > Add Additional Items for Sale during Event Registration
Add Additional Items for Sale during Event Registration
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If you wish to sell additional items during the event registration process (for example you may wish to be able to sell mulligans for your golf tournament at the time of registration, or a commemorative hat), these items may be added in the Additional Items section on the event's Attendee Setup tab. Additionally, individuals who just wish to purchase an add on item, and not register for the event will be able to do so on the event registration page.



  1. Click the Add Item button in the Additional Items section.

  2. Enter a Name for the additional event item.
  3. Select the desired Availability of the additional item.
    • To allow only those who register for the event to purchase the item, select For Attendees.
    • To allow individuals to purchase the item without registering for the event, select For Overall RegistrationNOTE: When For Attendees is selected, the additional item will only be displayed once a registration option has been selected and will be available for each person on the registration form.
  4. Enter a Description of the item.
  5. Select the desired Fee Item from the drop-down list.
    • Enter, edit, or accept the default Price.
    • Select the QuickBooks class if needed.
  6. If you wish to limit the number of additional items you have available to be sold, enter the number in the Items Available (0 if unlimited). Each additional item can have its own specific limit set. Once the limit is reached, the item will be marked with “sold out” on the event registration form.
  7. For Staff: enable this if the item will only be allowed to be added by a staff member.
  8. Select the For Members check box to allow members to purchase this item.
  9. Select the For Non Members check box to allow non-members to purchase this item.
  10. Select the Is Active check-box to allow the item to be displayed on the event registration form.
  11. Sell item as a Yes/No: enable this if the item does not need a quantity specified (i.e. a golf cart rental fee, or perhaps a club rental fee).
  12. Click Done.
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