Fixed renewal memberships simplify billing and renewals for associations by setting all memberships to a fixed schedule, regardless of when a member joined.
When an association bills in advance of the membership year, the association sometimes has to bill for the next term’s dues while still charging members for the current term’s dues. For example, if a real estate agent joins an association in November, they must pay for the remainder of the year at the current rates and the following year at the new rates.
This feature allows an association to configure dues changes to take effect on a certain date so that they can collect dues at both the current rate and the future rate.
IMPORTANT: To use this feature, a membership type must:
To set new prices for a membership starting on a certain date:
- Edit the membership type’s pricing
- Enable “Change Prices On…”
- Pick your desired date
- This will be referred to as the Effective Date for the rest of this document
- Enter new prices in the “Price on <Date from step 3>” column
- Note: Leaving a field blank in this column will carry the current price forward
- Save your changes
The system will use the new price if:
A scheduled billing item’s Next Bill Date is on or after the Effective Date
A membership application is submitted on or after the Effective Date
A staff user creates a membership on or after the Effective Date
Once the Effective Date passes, the next time staff opens the membership type pricing, the new price will appear in the Price column and the “Change Prices On…” checkbox will be disabled; if needed, a new Effective Date and adjusted pricing may be entered.
Membership fee items that have pricing that will be affected by Effective Date settings and pricing will be indicated on the Upcoming Billing Display with a "refresh" type icon:

The Upcoming Billing Display will show that icon on affected membership types.
- For new memberships added after the effective date pricing was set but before the actual effective date takes place, the system will update the line item price with the new price on the upcoming billing tab.
- For existing memberships, the icon will display and invoices will generate with the effective date pricing, but the pricing will not update on the upcoming billing tab.
New Membership added after Effective Date Pricing set but before the actual effective date:
As of 10/1/2022, a membership type is configured to change the Local Association Dues fee item as of 1/1/2023.
Aidan purchases a membership on 10/10/2022. Aiden's initial invoice, created prior to the Effective Date, displays the current pricing:
Aiden's upcoming billing, set to renew his membership type on 1/1/2023, displays the Effective Date Pricing icon and the new price:
Existing Membership
As of 10/1/2022, a membership type is configured to change the Local Association Dues fee item as of 1/1/2023.
Upcoming Billing will display the current pricing (not the updated pricing) but the refresh icon will appear next to all recurring billing items for that scheduled billing, indicating the pricing will be changed for that invoice when it is created: