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Home > Real Estate Edition > NRDS M1 Integration > NRDS M1 Integration Use Case: REALTOR Member is also an Affiliate
NRDS M1 Integration Use Case: REALTOR Member is also an Affiliate
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From time to time an association may have REALTOR® members who are also Affiliate members of NAR though a business separate from their brokerage. Commonly we see this with an agent or broker who is also an appraiser, or if they own a separate real estate adjacent business (such as a home cleaning service, a home inspection service, etc.). 


In these cases, there may be a second NRDS M1 number assigned to the individual that needs to be associated to their additional endeavor and NOT their REALTOR® brokerage. Since GrowthZone can only associate a single NRDS M1 number to any contact, it will be necessary to create a second contact record for this individual with this additional NRDS M1 number and relate that record to the non-brokerage business separately. With this setup, the following process would need to be followed:

  1. The contact record with the REALTOR® membership/primary NAR sync would be synced as any other primary agent/broker; the contact is related to the brokerage and the sync for the NAR member is enabled on the Real Estate tab under the NRDS Information section.
  2. The contact record with the "secondary" affiliate NAR number would be related to the contact's non-brokerage business. On this record's Real Estate tab, you can ignore the NRDS Information section in the upper left; instead, you will go to the "Secondary Member(s)" sync in the lower right of the tab and enable the sync there.
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