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Home > Reports > Fundraising Reports > Fundraising History by Donor
Fundraising History by Donor
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The Fundraising History By Donor Report allows you to easily view the sum of donations for individual donors or all donors. It may be filtered to specific campaigns, or all of your current campaigns. If you have had a major push in fundraising over a period in time, you can filter the report to a selected date range. This report can be used to quickly generate a report of all MessagesTribute Names and In Recognition of information gathered from donors.


  1. Click Reports in the Navigation Panel
  2. Select Fundraising History By Donor Report.
  3. Select your search filtering criteria. For example, if you would like to see donation history by a specific contact, type the name of the contact in the Contact text box.
  4. Optional - Enter a Search/Filter query. For example, if you would like to see the history for a specific fundraising campaign, select Campaign Name.
  5. Select Display Options:
    • The report is setup with default fields to display in your report. You may add or remove fields by clicking on the Fields to Display drop-down arrow.
    • Select Summarize by criteria. This optional field allows you to select how you wish report results grouped. For example, you may choose to group results by campaign name.
    • Display Mode: Select Detail to view each individual donor and the donations to each campaign. Select Summary to see a total number of donations and the donation amount.
  6. Click Run Report.



See the following for Common Report Functions:

NOTE: As of July 11, 2024, there will be an additional report to the Fundraising History by Donor called the Fundraising Report. The new Fundraising Report has much more information including custom field data and both the default and actual contact info of the contributor. The Fundraising History by Donor Report only contained the default contact info and no custom field information. This report will be available until September 28, 2024, which will allow anyone that has created their own saved copies off the Fundraising History by Donor versions to re-create them using the updated reports. If you need assistance creating those reports, please contact Customer Service at [email protected]


For GZ Pay customers, the Fundraising Report includes a section called "GZ Pay Info" in Fields to Display where you can grab data specific to the GZ Pay credit card transaction, if applicable, to better understand the actual amount that can be attributed to the campaign. The fields include: Amount Refunded, Charged Amount, Charged Fees, and Net Amount

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