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Home > Real Estate Edition > MLS Integrations > Black Knight - Paragon > Black Knight - Paragon- Correct an MLS Login
Black Knight - Paragon- Correct an MLS Login
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You can only correct an MLS Login in Black Knight - Paragon if the member has NO LISTINGS attached to them in Black Knight. If the User DOES have listings attached in Black Knight, there is no way to update that Login; they will have to keep whatever was entered. (If the Login ID is updated for agents with listings, duplicate records will be created within Black Knight and can cause sync issues.)


An MLS Login with Black Knight - Paragon.

To correct the MLS ID of a member with no listings

  • Delete the User in Black Knight
  • Add a new contact in GZ and merge that field to the new User Login.  This will create the new user in Black Knight with the new/corrected MLS Login



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