Mar 18, 2021
For each association NRDS maintains a sub queue. Every add/change that occurs in NRDS that is "of interest" to the AOR, but not done by them publishes in this sub queue. At regular intervals, GrowthZone will check the sub queue and update the GrowthZone records.
"Items of interest" are as follows:
- Member record: Changes are published to the POE sub queue of the member's primary and secondary local and state associations as well as any ISCs they belong to. Add Agents are published to the POE sub queue of the member's primary state association. Add Institute Affiliate Members are published to the POE sub queue of the member's primary local and state association.
- Office: the changes are published to the POE sub queue of the office's primary and secondary local and state associations. Add Offices are published to the POE sub queue of the office's primary local and state association.
- Education: the adds and changes are published to the POE sub queue of the member's primary and secondary local and state associations as well as any ISCs they belong to. GrowthZone currently only processes the COEC/COEN (Code of Ethics) certifications.
- Member Secondary: the adds and changes are published to the POE sub queue of the member's primary local and state associations.
- Office Secondary: the adds and changes are published to the POE sub queue of the office's primary local and state associations.
NOTE: GrowthZone does not currently sync Financial & Demographic transactions. |