Mar 18, 2021
When a transactions arrive at Ecommerce, a coded result will be returned. The list below describes the codes that may be returned.
Result Code | Result Message | Description |
0 | Your transaction has succeeded. | On a Purchase or a Refund, this means that the transaction was approved |
2 | Your organization is not setup to use the Electronic Commerce external interface. | This means that your association has not been set up in the Ecommerce Network. You may be trying to send transactions through before NAR has completed your setups. |
5 | You are not a member in Active, Pending, or Suspended Status. | Every transaction requires a NRDS ID. This means the NRDS ID in your transaction is either not in NRDS or is not Active, Pending, or Suspended Status. |
6 | This is sent whenever there is an error with your data.
The specific data error explanation is sent to your system each time a Result 6 is produced. Some of those are:
7 | Settlement failed | On a Purchase or Refund, this means the transaction was Declined by the credit card company. |
8 | Authorization failed | On an Authorization, this means the transaction was Declined by the credit card company. |
9 | You association profile does not have a bank account setup | This means you are trying to send a transaction through before NAR has set up your bank profile. |
10 | The EC Control does not belong to your association. |
This message is returned on a Refund transaction. Every Refund must reference the EC Control number of the original purchase. This means your system is referencing an EC Control Number that belongs to another association’s purchase transaction. |
11 | The AssociationRequestID has already been processed
Every transaction that your vendor/programmer’s system sends to Ecommerce must have a unique transaction number called an AssociationRequestID that your system creates. Each one must be unique and not be used more than once. This message means that the AssociationRequestID you are sending with a transaction has been used before. |
12 | The association has not setup any payment methods. | This means you did not go to the Ecommerce menu option – Disbursements & Payment Settings and select at least one credit card type for your checkout counter. |
13 | The Ecomerce system is not currently available | This means that the Ecommerce connection or the processor’s connection is down. In this situation, it means the same as “no answer” and your transaction was not processed. |
16 | The return amount must be less than or equal to the original purchase amount. | This is sent when you try to send the same refund more than once or you are trying to refund more than the purchase amount. This will occur on a Refund. The Refund amount must not be greater than the original Purchase amount. |
17 | Invalid ECControl Numberor else not found
This message is returned on a Refund transaction. Every Refund must reference the EC Control number of the original purchase. This means your system is referencing an EC Control Number that does not exist. |
19 | Cannot refund electronic check purchases. |
Telecheck electronic check does not have a refund option. This message is returned if you try to send a refund and the original purchase was made with an electronic check. |
44 | The Credit Card Number must be in valid numeric format. | This message comes from the credit card issuer and means that the credit card number entered does not exist. |
46 | The NRDS database is currently unavailable and cannot check this ID. | Every transaction requires a NRDS ID. Ecommerce must check to make sure the NRDS ID sent exists and is not inactive. This message is returned if NRDS is down and Ecommerce cannot validate the NRDS ID. It will reject the transaction. |