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Home > Communications > Initial Communications Setup > Configure Your Unsubscribe (Opt-out) Message
Configure Your Unsubscribe (Opt-out) Message
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By law, when sending out bulk emails there must be an option for members to unsubscribe or opt-out of additional messaging. GrowthZone has a default message configured in your setup, but you may choose to customize it if you wish.



  1. Select Setup in the Navigation Panel
  2. Click Email Settings in the Communications section. Scroll down until you come to the Unsubscribe Settings section.

  3. A default unsubscribe message is included in your database. You can customize this as needed. WARNING: DO NOT REMOVE THE UNSUBSCRIBE LINK! Having an unsubscribe link is required for standard email compliance. Be careful: editing the link may break it if you are unfamiliar with HTML editing.
  4. Click Done.


When the user clicks the link, they will be presented with the Email Subscriptions screen. This will unsubscribe them from various Lists/Committees that they choose.  See What happens when a group email recipient opts out for further information.  If you wish to add the unsubscribe message to individual emails or emails sent to multiple members, include the Unsubscribe URL merge field in your signature or in text at the bottom of an email.


TIP! If the unsubscribe link is missing from your Unsubscribe Message, you can add it by clicking the "Code View" / button in the editor toolbar. Then add this specific HTML in your message:

a href="{{UnsubscribeUrl}}"To unsubscribe click here./a

If you are unfamiliar with HTML, please get assistance from someone that is familiar with HTML. GrowthZone support is always happy to assist as well.

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