There may be an occasion when your organization wants to remove a membership type in favor of something new. In this case, current members would need to first be migrated to the new membership type. By performing a migration, it maintains cleans records on the Retention report and keeps open invoices connected to the customer. it also keeps revenue correct and allows for reporting. Once the customers are moved, then the old membership can be deactivated, not deleted. Delete in GrowthZone removes all history which will impact data, reporting, and invoicing.
Steps to remove a membership type
- Add a new Fee Item and add a new Membership Type.
- Communicate with customers that the change is occurring and why it is happening. This will affect the name of the membership type they see when viewing their membership in the Info Hub.
- Change current members to the new type using one of these three techniques. This will create a Note on the contact record. (A note is not an email to the customer. It is an internal label marking activity performed in the database.)
a. Manually change them through an upgrade/downgrade
b. Use the Membership Level Conversion tool to change them in bulk (This will only work if the new membership type has levels.)
c. Contact Support for assistance
4. Deactivate the old membership type. Do not delete it.
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