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Home > Getting Started > Set Up Basic Account Settings > Setting Time Zone & Organization Logo
Setting Time Zone & Organization Logo
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These general settings should be configured for you during onboarding, but they are always accessible. To set your time zone, culture, default country or organization logo:


  1. Click Setup in the Navigation Panel.
  2. In the Miscellaneous section, click General Settings.
  3. Select your time zone from the Current Timezone drop-down list.
  4. Select your locale from the Culture list. This will customize dates, times and currency to your locale.
  5. Select your Default Country. This will populate any state/province dropdowns with the proper set of selections.
  6. Other Options:
    • Display Country on Contacts Module: if your members are from a single country, you may leave this unchecked; if you have members across several or multiple countries, you will want to enable this to allow for country selection on contact addresses.
    • Enable Printing Pop-up Windows: if you need to print directly from a page, you can enable this option. NOTE: GrowthZone does not support or troubleshoot issues with printing directly from the software using this option.
  7. Primary Logo - Click the pencil icon below Primary Logo to import your logo. The Image Manager window will open.
    • In the Image Manager, click Upload. You will then navigate to your computer/server location of your logo.
    • Select your logo and click open. You may position and crop the logo as needed.
  8. Click Crop and Save to save your logo.

NOTE: The pencil icon will only display when you hover your mouse above the Primary Logo.


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