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About Access Levels
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Access Levels drive what functions your staff will be able to perform in the database and what functions members will be able to perform in the Info Hub. Your database has been populated with default access levels that you can use as designed, customize to suit your business needs or you can create your own access levels.  

Default Access Levels

Staff: these levels are used to create access for the backoffice of GrowthZone (i.e. for association staff members)

  • Staff - Admin - this access level provides full control of the entire database. Individuals with this access level will be able to view, edit, create and delete.
  • Staff - Guest - this access level provides read only access in the database.
  • Staff - Standard - this access level provides read/edit/create/delete of the system, with the exception of the Finance sections, which are view only.
  • Staff - Finance - this access level provides full editing, and full Finance access.
  • Staff - Website - this access level allows the staff user to ONLY edit or login to the website (by clicking the globe icon in the header bar). All other areas of the database are set to None.

This article shows you how to add a new custom staff access level.


User: these levels are used to create access to the Info Hub for your members.

  • User - View Only in Info Hub - this access level provides view only access in Info Hub.
  • User - Create/Edit/View in Info Hub - this access level provides Create/Edit in Info Hub but not the ability to delete.
  • User - Full Control in Info Hub - this access level provides full control in Info Hub. Users with this access can view, add, edit & delete.
  • User - None: An Info Hub Role with everything turned off
  • User - Guest: View-Only Access to all Info Hub Areas

This article shows you how to add a new user access level.


Access Level Settings

Functions within the back office and the info hub can be set to provide access permissions within an access level:

  • -- Use Default --: When this is selected, the user will be given the access level selected in the Access Level option.
  • Delete: This access level allows the user to remove existing content from the database as well as create, update and view.
  • Create: This access level allows the user to add new content to the database, as well as view and update existing information.
  • Edit: This access level allows the user to retrieve and change/update existing database information.
  • View: This access level allows the user to retrieve and view information from the database in read only mode.
  • None: By selecting this option, the user will have no access to the specified area.
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