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Showing articles from share tag

Share Links to Resources to the Info Hub

* You can share direct links to any item in the Resources area by clicking the "Copy link to resource" icon after the title in the card, list, or detail page. * You then share that link with your members via email, social media, etc. * When the link is clicked, it will prompt the user to log in to the Info Hub …

Share a Form or Survey Using the Share Link

After you create your form, you can send the form to your members using the form's Share link. In the Forms/Surveys module, find the form or survey you wish to share. Click the ellipsis  in the Actions column and select the  Share option: This will open the Edit Sharing  window, which will allow you to send …

Autofill Form or Survey Fields

To make it easy for respondents to fill in a form, when a form is sent using a GrowthZone email list, basic contact information can be pre-populated in the form using the existing database fields of a Form type. The basic information that can be included: * Prefix * First Name * Last Name * Suffix * Primary A…

Share a Form or Survey Using the URL

If you are intending on sharing/sending forms/surveys to your members using the URLs that are created in the form itself, there are a few steps you can take to ensure future forms/surveys have a sensible URL. Because GrowthZone formulates URL links for all future forms/surveys based on the first public page created f…

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