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Home > Lists/Committees > Add a New Email List
Add a New Email List
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See List/Committee vs Email List: Which Should I Choose? before creating your new email list.




  1. Click Lists/Committees in the Navigation Panel. A listing of all lists/committees configured in your database will display. On installation of the software, common lists have been populated, such as Current StaffAmbassadors, etc. You may use these lists as configured, or customize them to meet your needs.
  2. Click the Add Email List button.
  3. Configure the following on the Add Email List screen:
    • Name - Enter a name for the new list. Use a name that well describes this list, as it will be displayed in the To line of your emails.
    • Category - Select the category to which you want to associate this list. Categorizing will make it easier to filter and report on this list.
    • Established On - If you wish to track when this group list was started, enter an established on date.
    • Description - (Optional) Provide a description of the list.
    • Display Options:
      • Is Active - Select this check-box to activate this list. If the list is not activated, it will not be displayed and will not be available to select for use.
      • Public Can Join - Select this check-box to allow the public to join this list. If selected, the list may be displayed on your website and/or a widget may be created for contacts to join.
      • Users Can Join - Select this option to allow your member users to join this list. If selected, the list may be displayed on your website.
      • Synchronize Contacts with authorized third party newsletter solution - If you are using a third party solution such as Constant Contact or MailChimp to send newsletters, select this option to synchronize this group to your solution.
  4. Click Done.
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