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Home > Billing > Initial Billing Setup > Working with Discounts
Working with Discounts
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Discounts may be used for new memberships, renewal memberships, event registrations and universally. Setting up discounts is a two step process, first you will setup Discount Types, then you will configure the actual discounts.


Discount Types provide a reusable template for discounts you want to offer to your members. A discount type determines which discount accounts are used and where in GrowthZone the discount can be used. This makes it easier to create new discounts without first talking to your accountant. It also prevents discounts offered one part of your association from unintentionally affecting another part of your business.


  1. Click Setup in the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Click Discount Types in the Finance section.

  3. Click the Add button.

  4. Enter a Name for the discount type.
  5. Enter a Description for the discount type.
  6. Select the Discount Account that should be used for this discount type. A discount will result in a debit to this account.
  7. Select the Deferred Discount Account that should used for this discount type, if this discount is used for a deferred revenue item.
  8. Select the Discount Type from the list. This selection will dictate where the discount type is available in the software:
    • Universal: This discount type will be available to you for providing discounts through-out the software.
    • Event Registration: This discount type will be available to you from the Attendee Setup tab of an event.
    • Event Sponsorship:  Not available at this time.
    • New Memberships: This discount type will be available for setting up discounts on your membership types, and can be used on your membership application.
    • Membership Renewal: This discount type can be applied to membership renewals.
    • Web Content: This discount type can be used to apply discounts to web content purchases.
    • Benefit Tracking:  If you are planning to use benefit tracking, this discount type must be selected for use with Benefit Tracking.
    • Exhibitor Registration: If you have purchased the Expo module, this discount will be available to you from the Exhibitor Setup tab of an event.
  9. Select the Fee Item (Saleable Item Type) that this discount will be used for. Saleable Item Type is a Fee Item previously created. 
  10. Click Done.


Setup Discounts

Setting up Discounts allow you to configure the default discounts that can be used when creating new memberships, etc. You can pro-actively create these discounts, or you will be able to create discounts "on the fly" when the need arises.

NOTE: Due to the complexity and logistics of event discounts, event-based discounts can ONLY be created within each event.


To setup your discounts:


  1. Click Setup in the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. Click Discounts in the Finance section. A list of all discounts you have currently setup will be displayed.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Enter a Name for the discount. Both the name of the discount and the description will be displayed on the invoice.
  5. Enter a Description for the discount. Both the name of the discount and the description will be displayed on the invoice.
  6. Select a Discount Type from the list. The discount type defines where this discount can be used in the software.
  7. (Optional) Enter a Start Date and End Date for this discount. Discounts will not be granted before or after these dates.
  8. Enter a Promo Code if applicable.
  9. Enter the Total Available if you wish to limit the number of this type of discount available. If set to 0, use of the discount is unlimited.
  10. Enter the Limit Per Purchase if you wish to limit the number of this discount that can be used on a purchase. If set to 0 there is no limit.
  11. Enter the Min To Activate Discount to set the minimum number of items that must be purchased in order to use this purchase. For example, if two event registrations must be purchased to qualify for a discount.
  12. Select the discounting methodology:
    • Discount New Price: If you wish this discount TO a set price, enter the desired price.
    • Discount Percent: If you wish to discount by a percentage, for example 20% off, enter the desired percentage.
    • Discount Amount: If you wish to discount BY a certain amount, for example $10 off, enter the desired amount to be subtracted from the price.
  13. Used Quantity: If you have limited the number of these discounts available in the Total Available field, this option will display the number of times the discount has been used.
  14. Sliding Expiration Days: This will set the automatic expiration of the discount in X amount of days.
  15. Can Be Used With Other Discounts: Enable this option if this discount can be used along with other discounts.
  16. Click Done.


Applying Discounts

Discounts may be applied when you create an invoice, promo code discounts for new membership applications, etc.


Apply a Discount to a new invoice

IMPORTANT: Discounts may only be applied when an invoice is first created.


  1. Create the invoice as described in Create a Single Invoice and add the desired Fee Item.

  2. For the Fee Item you wish to discount, click the hyper-link in the Disc. column.
  3. Select the desired Discount from the list. Discounts that you have previously created will be displayed. If needed click the + icon to add a new discount. See above for information on creating a discount.
  4. Once a discount is selected you can edit the parameters for that discount:
    • Discount Description: this will display on the invoice
    • Discount Expiration: this is more applicable when creating discounts for membership applications, event registration, etc. This indicates when the discount is no longer valid.
    • Discount Amount: this allows you to set an amount by which the total of Fee Item will be discounted. It is NOT per Fee Item purchased.
    • Discount Percent: this allows you to set a percentage by which the total of Fee Item will be discounted.
  5. Click Done to apply the discount.



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