Mar 24, 2023
Using the Transactions by Contact Report, you can display all payments received from a contact, over a specific date range. This could be helpful if a contact needs a record of all of the payments they have made to you for tax purposes.
- Click Reports in the left navigation panel and select Transactions by Contact Report OR go to the Billing module Overview tab and select Transactions by Contact Report in the right hand pane.
Accessing the Transactions by Contact Report via the Billing module Overview tab - Apply the following filters:
- Select the Sale Date Range for the payments
- Select Payments from the Transaction Type drop-down list
- Add an additional filter criteria to filter to the specific contact by using the Name Equals options and enter the name of the contact you're searching for. NOTE: Sometimes using Name Contains will also work if Name Equals is too specific.
The Transactions by Contact Report, with custom filters applied
Click Run Report in the upper right corner. This will display all the payments for the specified contact within the specified date range.