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Zapier Integration Overview
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What is Zapier?

Zapier is a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks between two or more apps—no code necessary. When someone registers for an event or becomes a member in GrowthZone, Zapier can tell another app to perform (or do) a particular action.

Check out the growing list of 5,000+ applications Zapier connects with. See the diagram below showing how this integration works with your GrowthZone.

How Can I Benefit from Zapier?

Utilizing both GrowthZone and Zapier together can be a powerful combination.

  • Save staff time by automating tedious tasks
  • Reduce errors by eliminating duplicate data entry in multiple systems.
  • Save on staffing costs by utilizing Zapier’s no code interface

The GrowthZone Zapier add-on allows you to integrate GrowthZone with other online services such as TalentLMS, Accredible, and thousands more programs. 


How Are Other GrowthZone Customers Using Zapier?

GrowthZone is just scratching the Zapier surface of what automations can be accomplished. As a first phase, we’ve focused our efforts on ensuring event and membership data can be utilized with Zapier. Check out the specific examples below and Fields Sent in Zapier for more details.

Event Registrations:
One customer is using Zapier to automate their process of giving specific registrants access to specific LMS courses in TalentLMS. By utilizing GrowthZone Events, they are able to automatically send their attendee registration information to their LMS, granting them access to the needed courses.

Membership Information:
One customer is using Zapier to connect to Accredible (a digital credential management software). Their membership upgrade/downgrade information, that’s tracked in GrowthZone, is automatically sent to Accredible, allowing members to gain access to specific badges and certifications, in near real time.

Other Examples:

  • Do you have members that are helping you run specific events, but they don’t have access to registration data in your GrowthZone backoffice? Not a problem. With Zapier, registrant information can be automatically sent to a Google Sheet that you share with specific members.  See how to set up this exact scenario in our Setup Section below.
  • Need board members to get notified when new members are approved? Keep specific individuals up to date on new member activity, by using Zapier’s ability to automatically send emails through Outlook, Gmail, and other email providers.

With Zapier connected to 5,000+ of applications, your automation possibilities are endless!


How do I get Started with Zapier?

First off, check out the list of applications that Zapier works with, to ensure the application you intend to connect with is available.

Secondly, you will need API access, which requires the GrowthZone API/SSO module. If you don’t already have the API/SSO module, this will be an additional fee. Please email [email protected], and they will be able to confirm your settings and, if needed, add the appropriate fees to your subscription.

Third, you’ll need a Zapier account. Depending on your needs Zapier may be free, but should you need additional connections or processes a paid account may apply. Pricing is based on volume and usage, which you can find more about on Zapier pricing page.


Related Topics

Setting up Zapier

Fields Sent in Zapier


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