Mar 23, 2023
Email Designer Tools are basic content elements that are used to design your templates. Text, images, and buttons are some examples of the built-in tools. To start using these tools, you will simply drag them into your newsletter to add content. Content formatting options are displayed when a tool is add to your document.
This article will cover the Button Tool.
Button Tool
The Button tool can be used to drive your readers to action. Perhaps you want to send the reader to your events page, or event a fundraiser page. By using this tool you can send the reader to these external links. Alternately, buttons may be used to send an email, dial a phone number, or even send an SMS. Drag & Drop the button onto your newsletter, then you will be able to style to button, and configure the desired action. |
*NOTE: This video was recorded with the previous interface. We will be updating videos as quickly as possible.
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