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Home > Integrations > Community > Community- Setting up Group Admins
Community- Setting up Group Admins
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Community Site Admins are typically staff members; Community Group Admins can be staff or designated members.

Venn diagram of GZ Staff, Community Site Admins, Community Group Admins, and Members
Community Site Admins can only be GrowthZone staff; Community Group Admins can be staff OR members.

To set someone as a Group Admin:

  1. Go to Lists/Committees
  2. Open the List/Committee you wish to add a Group Admin to
    1. If needed, add the individual to the list/committee
  3. Click the Contacts tab of the List/Committee
  4. Find the contact you wish to set as a Group Admin and select the Edit option on the far right for that individual.
    Clicking the edit option to open the Edit List/Committee Contact window
  5. In the Edit List/Committee Contact window, click the Role in Community Group dropdown and select Admin.
    Adding the Group Admin role to a list/committee contact.
  6. Click Done to Save.

GrowthZone syncs changes to lists synced with Community in near-real time; the change should be applied to that individual's profile within minutes. When they log in to Community, they will have access to the moderation features for that group.


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