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Home > Billing > Initial Billing Setup > Set Up Your Invoice Template(s)
Set Up Your Invoice Template(s)
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Within your database you will be able to define the templates that you wish to use for invoices, statement, credit memos, etc. The steps described use the default invoice template as an example, but follow the same steps to customize other billing documents. A standard invoice template (Invoice.docx) is built into the software. You can use this default template, or modify it to meet your business needs.


NOTE: invoice templates have a merge field that will pull in your logo if one is not uploaded in your Finance General Settings. MAKE SURE TO UPLOAD A LOGO TO THE FINANCE GENERAL SETTINGS THAT IS THE PROPER SIZE to ensure your logo will fit in a standard window envelope! Recommended size is MAX 500px wide by 150px tall.



View/Modify Invoice Template (PC Instructions)


  1. Click Setup in the Navigation Panel.
  2. Click Document Generation Templates in the Document Generation section. A list of existing templates will be displayed.
  3. Click the icon   for the template you wish to view/modify.
  4. Click Copy Document Generation Template.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. A copy of the template will be available in the list of templates. Best Practice: Rename your template immediately.
  6. To view the template, click the  icon and click Edit Template Document. The Open URL:Word Protocol dialog box will be displayed.

  7. Click Open Word. You will be taken to the document editor login. Enter your GrowthZone username and password to launch the document.
  8. Enable editing of the document.
  9. Complete your changes.
  10. Save your document. You can now choose this template where applicable.


View/Modify Template (MAC Instructions)

  1. Click Setup in the Navigation Panel.
  2. Click Document Generation Templates in the Document Generation section. A list of existing templates will be displayed.
  3. Click the icon   for the template you wish to view/modify.
  4. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. A copy of the template will be available in the list of templates.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. A copy of the template will be available in the list of templates. Best Practice: Rename your template immediately.
  6. To view the template, click the  icon and click Edit Template Document. The Open URL:Word Protocol dialog box will be displayed.

  7. Click Open Word.
  8. Click Enable Editing and make desired edits.
  9. Save the downloaded file. 
  10. Enter a Name for the new template.
  11. Click Choose File to navigate to your saved copy and upload.
  12. Click Done. You will now be able to choose this template where applicable.


Available Invoice Merge Fields

When using merge fields on invoices, the system will look to the invoice(s) for the appropriate information to be included via merge fields. Many of the fields are included on the default invoice. Other fields may be added manually by editing the invoice. The table below describes the fields available for invoice templates; if there is an *, see the Notes below the table for special instructions.


Merge Field Name Description Included On Default Template
Company This is the name of your association/chamber. X
Address1 This is Address 2 for your association/chamber. X
Address2 This is Address 2 for your association/chamber. X


Telephone This is the telephone number for your association/chamber. X
Fax This is the fax number for your association/chamber.  
Email This is the email address for your association/chamber. X
WebAddress This is the web-site address for your association/chamber.  
No The invoice number. X
POno Purchase Order Number. X
SelectDate The invoice date. X
DueDate The invoice due date. X
PurchasedByName The name of the Purchasing Organization (if applicable), otherwise name of purchaser will show. X
PurchasedByNamePrimaryBusiness Purchasing Individual’s Primary Business (if applicable).  
BillToName Billing Contact Name (if applicable).  
BillToEmail Billing Contact Email.  
BillToAddress Billing Address Line 1 and 2 on same line. X
BillToAddress1 Bill to Address 1.  
BillToAddress2 Bill to Address 2.  
BillToCity Billing City, State, & Zip Code. X
BillToCountry Billing Country  
BillToContact Billing Contact Name (if applicable). X
Message Invoice Message, added to the invoice when the invoice was created. X
Subtotal* Subtotal of the fee items included on the invoice.* X
SalesTax Sales tax calculated on the items included on the invoice. X
Shipping Shipping costs for the items included on the invoice. X
Total* Total for all charges on the invoice.* X
PaymentTotal Total of all amounts applied against the invoice, including payments, credits, discounts, refunds and write-offs  X
TotalDue* Total actually due on the invoice if, for example, a payment has been made against the invoice.* X
TotalLabel* Text field, used in combination with TotalDue only.*  
TotalWithoutVoluntary Displays total without including voluntary fees.*  
TotalHTML* Will show totals both with and without voluntary fees.*  
ARCurrent Current open balance. X
AR30 Past Due Open Balance in the last 30-60 days X
AR60 Past Due Open Balance in the last 60-90 days X
AR90Plus Past Due Open Balance over 90 days X
ContactBalance Total Open Invoice Balance X
Scheduled Payment Amount* Amount of the scheduled payment* X*
Scheduled Payment Date* Date the invoiced scheduled payment will be charged*  
Scheduled Payment Description* Summary of the scheduled payment information: includes date and profile info* X*
Scheduled Payment Profile* Last 4 digits and expiration date of the credit card to be charged*  
PaymentHyperlink Link to payment screen X
UFPurchasedByContactPrefix Prefix for the contact who made the purchase. This is the ‘’’customer’’’.  
UFPurchasedByContactFirstName First name of the contact who made the purchase. This is the ‘’’customer’’’.  
UFPurchasedByContactMiddleName Middle name of the contact who made the purchase. This is the ‘’’customer’’’.  
UFPurchasedByContactLastName Last name of the contact who made the purchase. This is the ‘’’customer’’’.  
UFPurchasedByContactSuffix Suffix of the contact who made the purchase. This is the ‘’’customer’’’.  
UFPurchasedByContactCommonName Common name of the contact who made the purchase. This is the ‘’’customer’’’.  
UFPurchasedFromOrganizationName The organization from which the purchase was made (your association/chamber).  
UFBillingContactPrefix The prefix for the billing contact selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingContactFirstName The first name of the billing contact selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingContactMiddleName The middle name of the billing selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingContactLastName The last name of the billing contact selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingContactSuffix The suffix of the billing contact selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingContactCommonName The common name of the billing contact selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingContactName The full name of the billing contact selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingAddress1 The billing address selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingAddress2 The billing address 2 associated to the address selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingAddressCity The city associated to the address selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingAddressStateProvince The state or province associated to the address selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingAddressPostalCode The postal code associated to the address selected when the invoice was created.  
UFBillingAddressCountry The country associated to the address selected when the invoice was created.  
UFPurchaseCreatedDate The date an invoice was created.  


  • Total, Subtotal and TotalDue fields always include voluntary items on the invoice.
  • TotalLabel is a text field would be used in combination with the Total Due field so that it identifies automatically if the total include any voluntary amounts.
  • TotalWithoutVoluntary does not include voluntary items.
  • TotalHTML is a special merge field that includes calculations and wording and merge fields all combined in a single merge field. It will show both totals (total with voluntary and total without voluntary) and include text that will indicate which amount is which. Due to how that field is generated, we are not able to support formatting of that field, i.e. you will not be able to apply styling to it such as bold, color or font size/style changes. 

  • Scheduled Payment fields: are included on the default invoice template but will only populate if a payment profile is linked to the invoiced scheduled billing items. These fields correlate to the Invoice before Autopay enabled under Setup -> Finance -> General Settings.

Add Custom Fields to Invoice Templates

For further customization of your invoices, business and individual Custom Fields (those displayed on the More Info tabs) may be added to your documentation templates.

  • Fields must be configured as Public. See Custom Fields for information on configuration of fields.
  • If the invoice is being created for a business, fields configured of type Business will be available.
  • If the invoice is being created for an individual, fields configured of type Individual will be available.
  • When adding a custom field to an invoice template, the name of the custom field must be exact. Do NOT use the Display Name.

See Add Merge Fields to a Document Template for further information on editing a template and adding merge fields. 

Upload an Invoice Template

If you have created a document template, you can upload it to the database:

  1. Click Setup in the Navigation Panel.
  2. Click Document Generation Templates in the Document Generation section. A list of existing templates will be displayed.

  3. Click the Add  button.

  4. Select the Template Type. This setting will define where the template is available to you in the software. For example, document templates of type Invoice will only be available where billing functions are performed.
  5. Enter a Name for the new template.
  6. Click Choose File to navigate to your saved copy and upload.
  7. Click Done. You will now be able to choose this template where applicable.


How Templates are applied to Your Invoices

Within the Finance > General Settings you will define the default invoice to be used by the system. This invoice template will be applied to all invoices that are created either automatically by the system (i.e. when you run upcoming billing, when you allow invoicing for membership application, etc.) or created manually.


You will need to expressly over-ride the template if you wish to use a template other than the default. Over-riding the default template can be done in the following location:

  • Good/Service: If you wish to use an alternate template for specific fee item you can configure this when you setup  your fee items. For example, if your default is setup for membership dues invoicing but you wish to use a different invoice template for event registrations you will set each of the fee items used for event registration to an alternate template. See Setup Fee Items for instructions.
  • Membership Type Pricing: If you wish to use an alternate template for specific membership types you will configure this when adding pricing to your membership types. See Add Pricing to a Membership Type.
  • Individual Invoice: If you are manually creating an invoice, you have the ability to select the invoice template that you wish to use. These settings will be displayed under advanced options. See Create a Single Invoice
  • Generating Upcoming Billing Invoices: If you are manually generating your invoices for upcoming billing you will have the opportunity to select an alternate invoice template under the Advanced Options. See  Generate Invoices for Upcoming (Recurring) Billing.
  • Delivering Invoices: When delivering invoices from the Pending Delivery tab, you have the opportunity to over-ride the template being used for the invoices. See Deliver Invoices. 
  • Once an invoice template is selected you have can change that template either invidually or in bulk. See Change the Invoice Template on an Existing Invoice for further details. 



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