Oct 10, 2023
In the event an exhibitor cancels, you will first have to cancel the exhibitor registration, then update the booth so it is available for a new registration. Optionally, you may also cancel the registration of the staff attendees.
To cancel the registration:
- For the desired event, click the Exhibitor tab.
- Click the ellipsis
in the Actions column for the exhibitor you wish to cancel.
- Select Cancel. NOTE: There is no confirmation, the action is immediate. If needed, you can then issue a full or partial refund. (Your refund process may depend on the type of payment received: via an integrated credit card processor, or a cash/check or third party credit card processor.)
- To release the booth number and allow a new exhibitor to select it during registration, be sure to follow the next steps as well.
- You can now perform any accounting actions (such as a voiding an invoice, writing off an invoice, refunding a payment or issuing a credit) as per your office policies and procedures.
To cancel the assignment of the booth:
- On the Exhibitors tab, use the Quick Filter
dropdown to display the cancelled registrations.
- Click the name of the exhibitor.
- In the Edit Exhibitor window, scroll down and find the "Booth Number" dropdown. Select the blank space at the top of the list to release the previously selected booth back into the pool of available booths for the event.
- Click "Done" to save the changes. The booth will now be available to be selected for a new Exhibitor registration.
To Cancel the staff included in the exhibitor registration
- In the desired event, click the Attendees tab.
- Find the desired attendee and click the ellipsis in the Actions column to select "Cancel Registration".
- Repeat as needed for any remaining exhibitor staff.