NOTE: Email Designer templates are only deliverable from the Email Designer tab and are not available to select anywhere else in GrowthZone. You can however use them for/in Marketing Automation workflows.
Within the Email Designer Custom Tools, you have the option to include several merge tags (merge fields) within the list you are adding to your email. These fields may not be applicable to all Email Designer tools but is commonly accessed using the text editor after loading content, or by inserting a Text block.
Access the Merge Tags by dragging your block into place and selecting the initial criteria. After loading the content, click into the block in the editor where you want the merge field and when the text editing options appear, select the Merge Tags option on the far right.

Select the applicable merge tag you wish to include in your list.
- Date: will display the current date.
- Info Hub Login URL: will display a link to the Info Hub using the recipient's info provided the recipient is a contact in the database.
- Info Hub Password Reset URL: will display a link to reset an Info Hub password using the recipient's info provided the recipient is a contact in the database.
- Contact Information:
- Contact Common Name: will display the contact's common name if it is populated and is a contact in the database.
- Contact Designations: will display the contact's designation(s) if it is populated and is a contact in the database.
- Contact First Name: will display the contact's first name if the contact is an individual and is a contact in the database.
- Contact Last Name: will display the contact's last name if the contact is an individual and is a contact in the database.
- Contact Middle Name: will display the contact's middle name if the contact is an individual, the middle name is populated, and is a contact in the database.
- Contact Name: will display the contact's first and last names (if an individual) or business name if the contact
- Contact Prefix: will display the contact's prefix if the contact is an individual, the prefix is populated, and is a contact in the database.
- Contact Suffix: will display the contact's suffix if the contact is an individual, the suffix is populated, and is a contact in the database.
- Contact Title: will display the contact's title if the contact is an individual, the title is populated, and is a contact in the database.
- Primary Business: will display the contact's primary business if the contact is an individual, they are related to a business, and both contact and business are contacts in the database.
- Primary Membership: will display the contact's primary membership if the contact is in the database and has an active membership.