It may sometimes be preferred (or even necessary!) to change the terminology for "Sponsor" and/or "Sponsorship". For example, as a Real Estate Association, I want to have the term “Sponsor” and “Sponsorship” changed all through my software to something else (like Partner and Partnership) so that we don’t get fined for allowing members/vendors to ‘sponsor’ an event, a scenario called out as a violation of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA).
GrowthZone now allows all associations to set "Sponsor" and "Sponsorship" to the terminology of your choosing! Under Setup, go to the Miscellaneous section and find the System Terminology link.
IMPORTANT! Changing the system terminology will NOT update the names of existing sponsor registration types, fee item names, or saved reports. |

Under Terminology Settings, edit Sponsor and Sponsorship with your desired terms.

This will populate all locations where the words "Sponsor" and "Sponsorship" exist throughout the back office and public module pages.
In an event in the backoffice: "Sponsors" and "Sponsor Setup" are now "Partners" and "Partner Setup":

In the Reports section: Sponsor reports are renamed "Event Partnerships Report" and "Event Partnerships by Contact Report":

On a public Event Page on your website: the Sponsors display area is renamed "Partners":

IMPORTANT! Changing the system terminology will NOT update the names of existing sponsor registration types, fee item names, or saved reports. |
Related Topics:
- Changing Sponsor Terminology
- Set up Sponsor Display Options
- Set Up Sponsor Registration Types
- Set Up Sponsor Registration Options
- Set Up Sponsor Confirmation Messaging
- Register Sponsors- Back Office
- Register Sponsors- Online
- Matching Sponsors to Contacts
- Cancel Event Sponsors
- Canceling Events and Registrations: Scenarios
- Pre Sold Sponsorships: Best Accounting Practices
- Event Registration FAQs