Let's say you have an event where members will be registering and can also register a guest. The member's ticket is free, but the guest tickets are paid; the first guest is discounted (50% off) but any other additional guests are full price. Our first instinct is to use member and non-member registration types, right? But here's the catch:
Attendee registration types are not able to authenticate based on each individual being registered; rather, it uses the person creating the registration as the default. This means if a member goes and enters their email, the system recognizes they are a member, and they are registering both themselves and a guest, GrowthZone cannot force the member to purchase a non-member registration type. It will allow the member to purchase a member-only registration type for their non-member guest.
That being said- discounts DO validate on an individual attendee basis. The solution? A membership discount for the member and a volume discount for the guest.
The setup becomes:
- Member Validation (in the Overall Registration Options on the Attendee Setup Tab) should be set at minimum to Email Address Exact Match.
- Two Simple Paid Registration Types, priced at the full ticket cost; you can name them whatever you like, but for our example we will use:
- Attendee (for the member discounted ticket; this will be set to Everyone)
- Guest (for any additional attendees; this will be set to Members, so only members have access to the discounted registration)
- One Membership Type Discount, for the desired membership types and applied to the Attendee registration type, that sets the price of a member registration to $0.
- One Volume Discount, for 2 or more tickets and applied to the Guest registration type, that is limited to 1 per purchase.
Member Registration: when the member enters their email in the Contact Information section and is recognized as a member, they can select as many tickets as needed. If they register themselves with the Attendee registration type and add their guest or guests using the Guest registration type, the system will grant the member the discounted ticket price for their ticket (in this case, $0.00), will give the first guest a 50% discount, and any other additional guests will be billed the full ticket cost.
Nonmember Registration: nonmembers will only see the Attendee registration option and will end up paying full price for any/all tickets.
The Attendee Setup tab would look a little like this:

See Add a Simple Paid Registration Type for more information.

See Volume Discount for more information.
Member Registration
The member goes to the registration page and enters their email address to validate:

They select their registration options:

They enter their attendee information:

The member receives the full member discount (in this case, a $0 ticket) their first guest ticket is 50% off, and the second (and beyond) guest ticket is the full registration cost.

Nonmember Registration
The nonmember goes to the registration page and inputs their email address to validate.

In either case, they are recognized as a nonmember and are only shown the Attendee registration option:

No discounts are available to them, and they pay the full cost for any/all tickets: