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Send Email to Event No-Shows
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After your event has taken place and you've checked in all your actual attendees, you may want to communicate with contacts that registered but did not attend your event.


To send an email to registrants who did not attend the event:


  1. Select the event Communication tab.
  2. Next to the Log Note button, click the down arrow.

  3. Select Send Email to No Shows. The Send Email screen will be displayed, and the list of registered No Shows will automatically be added to the To: field.


You can also send an email to event No Shows from anywhere in the system you can initiate an email. Once the Send Email window is open, begin typing the name of the event in the To: box. You will see several options available, including a selection for emailing "No Shows" of various Registration Types.


See Send a Mass Email for further instructions.


For more information on checking in your attendees, see:

Manage Event Attendance/Check In

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