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Home > GrowthZone Pay > GZ Pay Transfers Details Report
GZ Pay Transfers Details Report
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This report provides a detailed view of all credit card transactions processed on a specific date. The goods/services or events associated with a transaction inside a transfer can also be viewed, making this a great report for reconciling deposits.

  1. Select Billing in the left-hand navigation panel.
  2. On the Overview tab, click GZ Pay Transfer Details Report in the Reports section.
  3. On GZ Pay Transfers Details Report configure the filters you wish for the report results:
    • Date Range: Enter the desired date range. Transfers paid that occurred in this range will be included in the report.
    • Card Type: If you wish to limit the results to one or more card types, select the desired type(s), for example, if you are looking for just Visa transactions shown in the screenshot below.
    • Additional Criteria / Filters: You can add additional filters as needed.
  1. Click Run Report.

NOTE: If a contact uses GZ Pay's Stripe Link,  Card Type and Card Number will appear blank in the report.



See the following for Common Report Functions:

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