Mar 21, 2023
The New Organization Contacts Report will allow associations to easily view the contacts (agents) associated to an office. Add a "Summarize by Related Organization" for better visibility.
- Click Reports in the Navigation Panel
- Use the Quick Filter
or the Customize Filter
to apply the Contacts category.
Using the Quick Filter to select the Contacts category. - Select the New Organization Contacts Report.
The New Organization Contacts Report - (Optional) Select your search filtering criteria.
- Activity Date:
- Organization Membership Status: are we looking for a member, a non-member, a dropped member, etc?
- Membership Type: are we looking for a list of members with a specific membership type?
- Membership Category: if you have several membership types under a certain category, you can use this filter to report on them as a group rather than selecting them individually under the Membership Type filter.
- Assigned To: used if you want to look for staff members assigned to certain contacts.
- List/Committee: does the contact belong to a particular list/committee?
- Chapter: does the contact belong to a specific Chapter? (Chapters module required)
- Tags: does the contact contain a specific tag or tags?
- Directory: does the contact have a listing in a directory or directories?
- State/Province: does the contact have a specific state/province in their address?
- Primary Rep: will filter to only primary contacts. (NOTE: must include individual contacts in your results.)
- Active Reps: will filter to all active contacts.
- (Optional) Enter any Additional Criteria/Filters as needed. Click the small plus
on the left to add additional criteria/filters. We don't need any additional criteria for this report, so will leave this alone.
- (Optional) Select Display Options. The report is set up with default fields to display; you may add or remove fields by clicking on the Fields to Display drop-down arrow and searching or scrolling for the field you want to include. To add a field to the display options, enable the checkbox to the left of the field name. For this report, since we do not have Chapters and do not need Lists/Committees, we will clear those fields from the Fields to Display area.
- (Optional) Select Summarize By criteria. This optional field allows you to select how you wish report results grouped. For example, to have better visibility into agents associated to a particular office, summarize by Related Organization. (Summarize options are listed alphabetically in the dropdown, but recently/commonly used selections will "stick" to the top of the list.)
The report showing the adjusted Fields to Display and Summarize By options - Click Run Report.

You can see in the report results that some contacts are listed more than once; this is because they inherit a business-owned membership, plus have their own individual-owned membership. This report may need some additional filtering to reach its final dataset, but this is a step in the right direction.
See the following for Common Report Functions: