The data you have entered in the NRDS Information section on the Real Estate tab can be reported on using the Contacts Report. You can use the Fields to Display area to review the REALTOR®-specific fields available to filter/display in the report. There are MANY fields available to report on! Search for "real" to find:
- Real Estate - Contact Info: this will show the information noted as Contact Info on the Real Estate tab in the M1 Sync
- Realtors: more fields specific to REALTORS® from the Real Estate tab
- Realtors - Individual: agent-specific fields
- Realtors - Organization: brokerage or office-specific fields
"Contact Info" such as the addresses, phone numbers etc. you have selected to send to M1 are organized in the Real Estate - Contact Info section when looking to fields to display.

Information such as NRDS ID, NRDS Status, etc. is organized in the Realtors section when looking to fields to display (NOTE: Not all fields are shown in the screenshot below)