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Home > Real Estate Edition > NAR Ecommerce > Setting up Fee Items for NAR eCommerce and NRDS Splits
Setting up Fee Items for NAR eCommerce and NRDS Splits
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REALTOR® Associations using NAR's eCommerce have some additional considerations when setting up their fee items. Primarily, where the funds should be directed (to the National, State, or Local association level).


To setup fee items for NAR eCommerce and NRDS Splits:


  1. Follow the steps described in Setup Standard Fee Items. IMPORTANT!! Only fee item types of Donation, Event Registration, Late Fee, Membership Dues, and PAC are available to be set up in NRDS Splits.
  2. Complete the followIng settings for mapping and splitting your fees:

NOTE: Once a Fee Item has been created, only those with Full Control access to Billing are be allowed to edit the accounting type and GL accounts associated to a Fee Item will be able to make changes to it. Additionally, if AP Mode is enabled no changes may be made to the fee item once saved. See Accepted Practices Mode (AP Mode) for further information.


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