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Home > Reports > Contacts Reports > Contacts Report
Contacts Report
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The Contacts Report provides you the flexibility to generate a list of your contacts based on a variety of different criteria, as well as custom filters.


  1. Click Reports in the Navigation Panel
  2. Use the Quick Filter  or the Customize Filter  to apply the Contacts category.
    Using the Quick Filter to select the Contacts category.
  3. Select the Contacts Report.
    The Contacts Report
  4. (Optional) Select your search filtering criteria.  
    • Contact Type: are we looking for individuals or organizations or both? (If you want all records from the database, do not choose a Contact Type.)
    • Contact Status: are we looking for a member, a non-member, a dropped member, etc?
    • Membership Type: are we looking for a list of members with a specific membership type?
    • Membership Category: if you have several membership types under a certain category, you can use this filter to report on them as a group rather than selecting them individually under the Membership Type filter.
    • Assigned To: used if you want to look for staff members assigned to certain contacts.
    • List/Committee: does the contact belong to a particular list/committee?
    • Chapter: does the contact belong to a specific Chapter? (Chapters module required)
    • Tags: does the contact contain a specific tag or tags?
    • Last Communication Date: when was the last communication (email) sent to the contact? (NOTE: does not include bulk emails!)
    • Directory: does the contact have a listing in a directory or directories?
    • State/Province: does the contact have a specific state/province in their address?
    • Primary Contact: will filter to only primary contacts. (NOTE: must include individual contacts in your results.)
    • Active Contacts: will filter to all active contacts.
  5. (Optional) Enter any Additional Criteria/Filters as needed. Click the small plus  on the left to add additional criteria/filters. In our example, let's look for contacts with a balance of $500 or greater.
    Adding Additional Criteria to the Contacts Report.
  6. (Optional) Select Display Options. The report is set up with default fields to display; you may add or remove fields by clicking on the Fields to Display drop-down arrow and searching or scrolling for the field you want to include. To add a field to the display options, enable the checkbox to the left of the field name. For this example, since we're looking for contacts with a balance of $500 or more, let's add that field to our Fields to Display.
    Adding Contact Balance to our Fields to Display.
  7. (Optional) Select Summarize By criteria. This optional field allows you to select how you wish report results grouped. For this example, we will group our results by Contact Balance, so contacts with certain balances will be grouped together. (Summarize options are listed alphabetically in the dropdown, but recently/commonly used selections will "stick" to the top of the list.)

    Adding Contact Balance to the Summarize By option.
  8. Click Run Report.

    Our report results of contacts with $500 or more of unpaid invoices, grouped by the Contact Balance amount.




When using the Business Categories or All Business Categories options, there are distinct differences in the report results:

  • All Business Categories: Displays a comma separated list of all the business-type categories associated to the contact record.
  • Business Categories: Displays a separate line for each category attached to the business record.


When using the Membership options:

  • Memberships: Displays a comma-separated list of all active memberships
  • Primary Membership: Displays the primary membership name, level, and chapter
  • Primary Membership Type: Displays the primary membership name


See the following for Common Report Functions:

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