Jun 15, 2022
Retention rate is the percentage of current members who choose to rejoin for another term before their term expires. Your member retention rate reveals how well you're engaging & providing value for your members.
Result displayed:
- Starting Count: This is the number of active members at the start of the month.
- Ending Count: This is the number of active members on the last day of the month.
- New Members Added this Month: Count of Membership Owners that have a Membership Start Date that falls within this month (include all Membership Status')
- Dropped Members this Month: Count of Membership Owners that have a Membership End Date that falls within this month (include all Membership status)
- New Investment: Total of all scheduled billing items tied to the memberships for New Members Added this Month. (scheduled billing items tied to this membership where the scheduled billing is not ended)
- Lost Investment: Total of all scheduled billing items tied to the memberships for Dropped Members This Month. This includes all scheduled billing items not ended plus those that are ended with an end date during this 12 month period (most of them will be)
- Retention Rate = (End Count - New Members) / Start Count
- Churn Rate = Dropped Member / Start Count
See the following for Common Report Functions: