Mar 24, 2023
The Deposit Summary Report provides a list of all deposits you have created in the GrowthZone software, and the total of the deposit. If deposits are being created for your credit card processing, this report may be used to reconcile deposits made in GrowthZone to the deposits made directly to your back accounts. To view the individual payments that make up your deposits, use the Deposit Report.
- Click Reports in the Navigation Panel
- Select Deposit Summary Report.
- On the Select your search filtering criteria.
- Select Display Options. They system is setup with default fields to display in your report. You may add or remove fields by clicking on the Fields to Display drop-down arrow. By default, the report will include account name, deposit amount, deposit date, notes, and total payments.
- Select Summarize by criteria. This optional field allows you to select how you wish report results grouped. For example, you may choose to group results by account name.
- Click Run Report.

See the following for Common Report Functions: