May 02, 2023
The Total Spending by Contact Report will provide you with the total amount contacts have spent over a given time period. It can be filtered by product category (for example events vs. membership) to view contact spending patterns. This can help you in budgeting for future years.
- Click Reports in the Navigation Panel
- Select Total Spending by Contact Report.
- Select your search filtering criteria. For example, you may wish to generate the report for a specific Fee Item Type to view spending for just that type.
- Optional - enter additional Criteria/Filters.
- Select Display Options. They system is setup with default fields to display in your report. You may add or remove fields by clicking on the Fields to Display drop-down arrow.
- Select Summarize By criteria. This optional field allows you to select how you wish report results grouped. For example, you may choose to group results by contact name.
- Click Run Report.
See the following for Common Report Functions: