Nov 13, 2024
Membership Invoices by Month (Beta) report will generate a list (summarized by month) of invoices generated for memberships. The invoices will be for both new memberships and renewal memberships.
- Click Billing in the left-hand navigation panel.
- Click Membership Invoices by Month (Beta) in the Historical & Planning section.
- Enter desired filtering criteria:
- Year: Choose the year for which you wish to generate the report.
- Month: This will be the starting month for the report. For example, if you wish to see Jan - Dec 2023 choose January. The report will always display 12 months so if you choose July the report results will extend to June of the following year.
- Membership Type: Filter to specific membership types if desired.
- Membership Status: Filter to specific membership status if desired.
- Membership Category: If you have set up categories for your membership you can filter by membership category if desired.
- Additional Critera/Filters as desired.
- Click Run Report.
See the following for Common Report Functions: