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Showing articles from autopay tag

CONTENTS - Autopay

Table of Contents for Autopay Contents Autopay Getting Started Autopay Overview Important Topics Is it Safe to Store Credit Cards via GrowthZone? Info Hub Training for Your Members Set up & Manage Autopay from the Info Hub * Store Credit Cards in the Info Hub * Assign Payment Profile to Recurring Fee…

Membership Renewal Overview

Let's say you want to renew your membership application, but you accidentally re-applied for your membership instead of renewing it. How do you fix your membership in GrowthZone? We are going to look at some different use case examples of how to make sure your contacts renew their membership applications correctly an…

Autopay Overview

With GrowthZone Pay and NAR Ecommerce gateways, your members will be able to store their credit card (or bank account if using GrowthZone Pay) information and have membership dues automatically charged to the stored payment profile (autopay). Below you will find articles to help you in implementing autopay. Th…

View Billing Transactions and Pay Invoices in Info Hub

Members may view their account history, and pay bills within the Info Hub. NOTE:  In order for a member to manage an organization's account, they must have at a minimum  Create  rights to  Organization Account Info . In order for a member to manage their own account, they must have at a minimum  Create  rights to …

Manage AutoPay in the Info Hub

If a member has selected to enable AutoPay, they can manage their preferences by going to My Billing Info section and opening the Autopay & Billing tab. If AutoPay has been set up, they can click the "Manage AutoPay" button in the Membership Billing section. The Manage Autopay button on the Autopay & Billing tab …

My Billing Info: Autopay & Billing Tab

The Autopay & Billing tab allows your members to manage any stored payment profiles they may have, view their membership (recurring) billing, and manage any autopay options they may have set up. After members set up their Autopay, a column is checked saying that Autopay is On. You can update an existing payme…

Billing Video Tutorials

Table of Contents for Billing Video Tutorials Webinars * Setting Up Billing  (45 minutes) Handout * Daily Billing Activities  (45 minutes) Handout * Managing Membership Dues Billing  (51 minutes) Handout The Basics Billing - Initial Setup * Setup your Chart of Accounts * Import Chart of Acco…

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