There are different actions allowed in GrowthZone dependent on whether you have Best Practice (BP) mode disabled or enabled. Enabling Best Practice is a requirement if you are using QuickBooks Online integration. This table contrasts the various actions that can occur related to fee items, invoicing, and payments…
The Attendee Purchases tab will contain important information about the event-related purchases made by the attendee, including the Invoice # and any Discounts. copy and paste. Modify height and width if desired. Each column in the table is described below. Billing Name Name of the Billing contact for the …
If you wish to allow your registrants to request to be invoiced, you can enable Allow Invoicing on the event's Attendee Setup tab, in the Overall Registration Options section. See Overall Registration Options for instructions. For, Invoice Line Item Description Option, select what you like to be included i…
Members may view their account history, and pay bills within the Info Hub. NOTE: In order for a member to manage an organization's account, they must have at a minimum Create rights to Organization Account Info . In order for a member to manage their own account, they must have at a minimum Create rights to …
copy and paste. Modify height and width if desired. From the Billing module Sales/Invoices tab you have the ability to find and redeliver past dues invoices. This will allow you to find ALL past due invoices. If you are looking for just those that are for membership dues, we recommend that you use the Unpaid tab…
Table of Contents for Billing Video Tutorials Webinars * Setting Up Billing (45 minutes) Handout * Daily Billing Activities (45 minutes) Handout * Managing Membership Dues Billing (51 minutes) Handout The Basics Billing - Initial Setup * Setup your Chart of Accounts * Import Chart of Acco…
The Event Settings options allow you to configure the defaults to be used for your events. Setting up the defaults will save you time when creating events, and may be over-ridden as needed for individual events. * Select Setup in the Navigation panel. * Click Event Settings in the Event section. * On …
* Click Setup in the Navigation panel. * Click General Settings in the Finance section * Set Logo for Invoices and Statements Click the pencil icon below Logo for Invoices and Statements . NOTE: the icon is visible when you dwell the mouse below Logo for Invoices and Statements. Click Upload to br…