Mar 21, 2023
The Contacts Report provides a way for you to generate a list of all of your contacts along with specific type of contact information. For example, you can generate a report to view all of the contacts and their cell phone number.
- Click Reports in the Navigation Panel
- Use the Quick Filter
or the Customize Filter
to apply the Contacts category.
Using the Quick Filter to select the Contacts category. - Select the Contacts Report.
The Contacts Report
NOTE: If multiple contact info exists for one of the fields (i.e. multiple social sites), the info will appear in a single column and will be comma separated.
For this report, we want a list of all our active contacts with cell phone numbers, so let's select our criteria.
- Contact Status: Active
- Additional Criteria of Cell Phone Is Not Empty
- Add Cell Phone to Fields to Display

Click Run Report.

See the following for Common Report Functions:
- Export Reports
- Email Reports
- Add Report Contacts to a List/Committee
- Mailing Labels
- Save a Report as a New Report
- Save a report as a Favorite Report
- Report Filtering Options